A Forgotten Thanksgiving.
As the Thanksgiving holiday approaches, it seems like the world is skipping into Christmas already. All over social media, there is anticipation for Christmas, and it feels like Thanksgiving is being forgotten. There used to be a social media trend of posting something to be thankful for each day in November. I even missed the opportunity this year, with half of November already gone.
Living outside of the United States, it’s easy to forget Thanksgiving, especially when turkey is hard to find, and the shelves are not filled with ready-made pie shells and cans of pumpkin. Here, with a four-day weekend, most people in our community will take the opportunity to travel and explore. Thanksgiving will yet again look different this year, and yet again, I am learning to adapt and adjust!
I miss Thanksgiving in America with Mom’s glazed ham, scalloped potatoes, and creamed corn. I miss our old Thanksgiving Traditions in Arabia with friends from around the world and the busyness of Thanksgiving week spent in the kitchen baking and preparing with my Kiddos. I miss our traditions of making caramel corn and collapsing at the end of the day on the couch!
In the midst of the nostalgia and the missing, there is a quiet gratitude for everything. There may not be a feast full of delicious food or a gathering with family, but Thanksgiving has not really been forgotten.
I’m thankful. Thankful for “framily” near and family far. Thankful for provision in big ways and in small.
And I’m thankful for the opportunity to live a life of purpose and thankful to be looking forward to Christmas!